NLN Funded Projects
We use this page to give updates on the projects we have funded.
Cutting Aboot (Research) Project
The Cutting Aboot research project which is part funded by the NLN is now complete. They produced a report of their findings which you can find here.
Intandem’s Invoice Project
Intandem’s NLN funded project is now complete. They produced a 12 month report which you can find here.
Our Steering Group funded a pilot project in 2023 which was the first project to ever be funded by the NLN. Funding a small piece of work helped the Steering Group consider their decision making processes and how they would monitor and evaluate projects in the future. Below is a 6 month update on this excellent project from Intandem.
In 2023 we awarded the following:
Intandem (more info at awarded £5,000 to develop leadership opportunities within their Invoice Group.
Cutting Aboot (an active travel research project co-ordinated by the NLN) was awarded £3992. More info to follow soon.
CYCJ awarded £14, 972 to deliver 2 x blocks of the ‘Activate’ course in 2024.
Columba 1400 awarded £11, 759 to deliver their ‘Care Aware Programme’ in 2024. Their 6 month update is here.
Resilience Learning Partnership awarded £15, 000 to part fund their ‘Leaders with Lived Experience Pathway’ in 2024. Their 6 month update is here.
Staf awarded £15, 000 to part fund salary costs for a youth participation worker in 2024. Their 6 month update is here.
Who Cares? Scotland awarded £15, 000 to part fund their ‘Empowering Voices Training Programme’ in 2024. Their 6 month update is here.
All funding has been awarded via the National Leadership Network (NLN) Steering Group, which is a group of 12 people with care experience from all over Scotland who are on short term paid contracts. Members of the Steering Group are currently looking at how the NLN will fund other leadership opportunities and experiences moving forward.